Another year gone by...How many wishes did you get through?How many goals did you fulfill?
Doesn't matter anymore...Maybe you failed in becoming the poet's inspiration,the painter's best portrait,the composer's concerto...Yet many surprises lie ahead.Life's full of them,I see that clearly now.Even the tiniest details that seem dull and unimportant make a greater picture that's full of different colours ,not just black, grey and white.Give your life another chance.Each and every day is a unique miracle.Inhale and exhale the magic that you keep inside.Take care of the little glass dove that you keep in your hands.Don't let it fall and break...
That's how a new year dawns...
Νεκρά...Τα πάντα...Νεκρά συναισθήματα πάνω σε κομμάτια φρέσκου πάγου.
Ο άγγελος ψυχοραγεί πάνω στο χιόνι και το άσπρο γίνεται σιγά σιγά κόκκινο.
Οι φωνές οσοδήποτε δυνατές και να ηχούν,ανακλώνται πάνω στα γυάλινα τείχη του κύβου που βρίσκεται κλεισμένο και επιστρέφουν.
Θέλει να βγει,να πετάξει,όμως η γυάλινη φυλακή του το κρατάει εγκλωβισμένο,δεμένο στην άψυχη γη.
Αυτή η γη που δεν έχει τίποτα πλέον να του προσφέρει.Την αγάπησε με όλη του την ψυχή,ωστόσο κάθε φορά που πήγαινε να αγγίξει ένα σποράκι της,εκείνη το κατάπινε με λύσσα.
Και ανακάτευε συνέχεια τον εσωτερικό του κόσμο.Μέχρι που εκείνο,μικρό και αθώο,δεν ήξερε σε τι έδαφος πατάει.
Τώρα μέσα στο γυάλινο κλουβί του κοιτάει τον άγγελο που ψυχορραγεί πιο πέρα και στάλα στάλα χύνεται από μέσα του η κόκκινη ζωή, η αγάπη που τον έβαφε και τον έκανε λαμπερό.
Πάει και το μοναδικό του καταφύγιο...Πως να ξεφύγει άραγε το δύστυχο από αυτό το κλουβί;
Μα η μεγαλύτερη αλήθεια που θα έπρεπε να ψάξει είναι....Θέλει άραγε πραγματικά να ξεφύγει;Μήπως όλα είναι μια παραίσθηση,μια ζάλη από το γλυκό,πορφυρό κρασί που του έδωσε ο άγγελος να πιεί για να τον θυμάται;....
Requiem for my friend...Preisner's magical music...Lacrimosa for the friend I'll never have...
On an April Fool's Day
He smiled at me...
Cold was his touch
His lips were soft
He asked if I'd like to dance
My spirit was willing
His black eyes revealing
Thoughts from my hidden soul....
Θέλω...Να σε έχω δίπλα μου...Να σε κοιτάω,να σε μυρίζω,να σε χαιδεύω,να σε αγγίζω...Να γίνουμε ένα...Κάτω από τον ουρανό,κάτω από τον άνεμο.
Ο γαλαξίας της Ανδρομέδας μας κλείνει το μάτι πονηρά.
Ζηλεύει γιατί δεν μπορεί να βιώσει την δική μας απεραντοσύνη.
Στη δύναμη της αγκαλιάς σου...Στην ενέργεια του φιλιού...Βαθειά...
Κινούμαστε μαζί πλέον.Και όλα γίνονται κόκκινα...
The hopeless dream of being. Not seeming, but being. Conscious at every moment. Vigilant. At the same time the chasm between what you are to others and to yourself. The feeling of vertigo and the constant desire to at last be exposed. To be seen through, cut down, perhaps even annihilated. Every tone of voice a lie, every gesture a falsehood, every smile a grimace...
Commit suicide? Oh, no. That's ugly. You don't do that. But you can be immobile, you can fall silent. Then at least you don't lie. You can close yourself in, shut yourself off. Then you don't have to play roles, show any faces or make false gestures. You think ... But you see, reality is bloody-minded. Your hideout isn't watertight. Life seeps in everything....
...The higher we soar,the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly...
Under a lavender nightsky...She was laying...Alone...
There's only her and the sound of the stars...
Drifting away,commiting herself to the tranquillity of the night...
Nobody has ever spoken,nobody has ever cared...
This kind of night is what she's craving for
Lost in deep thought listening to the elemental choir
Is everything really so vain?Is there meaning?
And if there is,where can it be hidden?
Nothing matters as she flies away...
Away from earthly pleasures,away from pain.
There's no compass in this journey
Nor there is a captain to guide her ship
Lavender sails ruled by the mighty wind...
Drifting away,alone...
"Let it happen",screams her consience
In this small world there are no real ostacles
Our lives and hers are just a pile of choices
Choices we cherish and others we despise
Choices that make us whole every new day
Neverending roads settled with pebbles...
And she has chosen a small pebble along her way
Letting all the big ones screaming behind her.
She has no regrets...
She just wishes she wasn't so...Alone...
The sky takes the colour of a white rose kissed by a small nightingale.
The sea is vast as always and calm as if she's listening to a lullaby.
The sand,cold beaneath our feet and a gentle breeze is blowing,
making all of our senses awake.
And yet we realize it's not about the colour nor about the sea
or the sun that's about to come out of it's lair.
It's not about the hour where we feel we want to close our eyes and rest there lost in "always" and the "never".
It's all about the whispers...We whisper "words of dawn" filled with awe as we die soflty under the merciless new day.
Will we be reborn today?It's a risk.Everything's a risk nowdays for dawn is disconnected from birth.It still keeps its ability to kill but it is so very frightened to breed...
What kind of lullaby could reassure it and make it love us again?
What kind of calming words would be its guide to the evolution of ours souls?
(I used to be certain that souls existed,now I'm not so certain anymore)
And why do we ignore its hollow warnings?
I made this profile long ago but I had forgotten all about it.
Today I was looking for a blog where I could write whatever I wanted
and this was the first that came in mind so here I go again.
I will write both in English and Greek according to my mood.
I hope I can find people who do the same here and discuss about the things we write.